North Central Railway, Allahabad requires 140 JE, Technical-II, Tech-III, Traffic Apprentices, ASM, Goods Guards, Ticket Examiner, Jr. Clerk-cum-Typist etc Jobs/Notification/Recruitment

Employment Notice No. 1/2012-13                                                       Divisional Railway Manager’s Office
                                                                EMPLOYMENT NOTICE           N.C.Rly., Allahabad
Application are hereby invited on the prescribed ericlosed format from eligible and willing candidates having requisite qualification to fill up the two posts of Group ‘D’ in Pay Band 5200-20200, Grade Pay 1800/- on minimum rate pay against Scout & Guides quote 2012-13 which must reach this office by 31.07.2012.
Requisite Qualification:
1. Age as on 01.01.2013 : Between 18 to 33 years only (Relaxation for 05 years in case of SC/ST and 03 years in case of OBC).
2. Education Qualification: Minimum, High School pass or Equivalent.
3. Qualification relating to Scouts and Guides:
a) A President’s Scouts/Guides/Ranger/Rover
Himalayan Wood Badge holder
A pre-HWB trained Scout Leader/Advanced Trained Guide/Leader/Captain.
b) Should have been an active member of a Scout Organization for at least 03 years in the recent past and should continue to be active.
c) Should have attended at least on event at National Level and two event at State Level.
Should have a good record of participation in Scout/Guide activities at Unit/District Level.
4. Examination Fees :- Rs. 40/- for General and OBC candidates. Enclose crossed Bank Draft issued by any Bank of Rs. 40/- payable in favour of District Commissioner N.C.Railway, Bharat Scout and Guide Allahabad is payable in Allahabad. (In case of General and OBC candidates). No Bank Draft is required in case of SC/ST Candidates. (Any type of postal order and any others name of Bank Draft is not acceptable).
1.Method of apply:
(a) Only those candidates may apply who have requisite qualification as mentioned above.
(b) Applicants must apply on the format of application given below in typed on a good quality paper. Before filling up application all the applicants must ensure that their application is on prescribed form given below. No application will be accepted  on any other format. Application form must be filled up by the candidates in own handwriting in Hindi or English in all respect with full signature and date.
(c) Applicants must paste oneself signed passport size latest photograph in scout & guide uniform on the application and other copies of photographs should be enclosed with the application form.
(d) All the educational, technical and Scout and Guide certificates duly attested by Gazetted Officer must be enclosed with the application form.
(e) Enclose a continue membership certificate in Scout and Guide Organization since last three years and at present, issued by Group leader and countersigned by District Commissioner Scout/Guide , the date of issue is not before notification.
2. All the applications completely filled in along with the required enclosure must be sent by ordinary post to Sr. Divisional Personnel Officer, North Central Railway, Divisional Railway Manager’s Office, Nawab Yusuf Road, Allahabad which must be received upto dated 31.07.2012 by 6.00 PM or application can also be submitted in person in a Box placed in front of Personnel Branch Room No. 101, 2nd Floor, DRM Office Building, Allahabad on any working day in between before 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM before the last date 31.07.2012. All the envelopes must possess Employment Notice No. and written on the Top “RECRUITMENT AGAINST SCOUT & GUIDE QUOTA IN PAY BAND 5200-20200, GP 18,000/-“ No application received after the last date 31.07.2012 will be considered.
3. Application will be rejected without completion of above said formalities and no correspondence will be entertained regarding the rejection of application.
4. Selection Procedure: Eligible will be selected on the basis of written examination/Viva based on the following syllabus of Scout & Guide and its activities through objectives type question.
Syllabus for written test: “History of Scouting/Guiding Law and promise, Organization, District & State level, Training Centre, District and State Level, knowledge of Books, Scouting for Boys/Guiding for Girls in India, Motto left

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