The Army Educational Corps of Indian Army invites applications from male candidates for recruitment as Havildar Education in Group ‘X’ and ‘Y’. Vacancies: 162 Recruitment/Jobs/Notification

The Army Educational Corps of Indian Army invites applications from male candidates for recruitment as Havildar Education in Group ‘X’ and ‘Y’. Vacancies: 162 Recruitment/Jobs/Notification

Total Number of vacancies for recruitment of Havildar Education :- 92

Age Limit. : 20 to 25 years as on first day of Recruitment Rally.

MODE OF RECRUITMENT for recruitment of Havildar Education  :

Screening  : Screening of candidates will be carried out as per programme issued by Recruiting Offices.
Physical Fitness Test for recruitment of Havildar Education: Physical fitness test will be as follows :-
(a) 1 mile run in maximum 6.20 minutes.
(b) Pull ups (Beam) – minimum 6 pull ups.
(c) Zig Zag balance – must pass.
(d) 9 Feet ditch – must pass.
Medical Standards: A candidate should have robust physique and mental health,
chest should be well developed with minimum 5 cm expansion, should have normal hearing in each ear. Should have sufficient number of natural healthy gums and teeth, i.e 14 dental points.Should not have diseases like deformity of bones, hydrocele, varicose veins or piles.
Written Examination for recruitment of Havildar Education :
Only those candidates selected in the screening and declared medically fit will be permitted to appear in the written examination which will be conducted at HQ Recruiting Zone/ IRO Delhi Cantt.
Teaching Aptitude Test/Interview : The candidates declared successful in the above written examination and placed in the merit list will appear for Teaching Aptitude Test and Interview to be conducted at AEC Training College & Centre Pachmarhi (MP). Candidates qualifying in the Written Test, Teaching Aptitude Test and Interview and placed in the merit list will be enrolled in the Army Educational Corps.
Training for recruitment of Havildar Education  :  Selected candidates will undergo Military and Technical Training for approximately one year at AEC Training College & Centre, Pachmarhi (MP).
Pay & Allowances :
(a) Group ‘X’ On completion of successful training you will be placed in the Pay
Band-1 (Rs 5200-20200) as per 6th Pay Commission. You will also be entitled to Grade Pay (Rs 2800) + Military Service Pay (Rs 2000) + Group ‘X’ Pay (Rs 1400) per month.
(b) Group ‘Y’ On completion of successful training you will be placed in the Pay Band-1 (Rs 5200-20200) as per the 6thPay Commission. You will also be entitled to Grade Pay (Rs 2800) + Military Service Pay (2000) per month.
Submission of Application for recruitment of Havildar Education :Candidates are required to submit their Application Form duly filled along with all required documents as per the format duly superscribed ”APPLICATION FOR HAVILDAR EDUCATION” on the top outer cover of the envelope to the Headquarters Recruiting Zone/IRO Delhi Cantt of which the individual is domicile of. The candidate has to appear for written examination from the same Headquarter Recruiting Zone only. Application submitted to the Headquarter Recruiting Zone/ IRO Delhi Cantt of which the candidate is not domicile of will be REJECTED.Last date for receipt of application is 05.10.2012
Note : Enclose two Self Addressed stamped Registered Envelopes issued by the Department of Post & Telegraph giving your present address with PIN Code on which the acknowledgment/Call up notice/ rejection slip is to be sent.
important instructions
1. Duly filled up Application as per the given format will be addressed to concerned Headquarters Recruiting Zone/IRO, Delhi Cantt, Write ” APPLICATON FOR HAVILDAR EDUCATION” on top of the envelope containing application.
2. Application may be handwritten or typed on A4 size paper as per the given format.
3. Affix your recent passport size photograph without sun glasses at the provided in the application form. Photograph taken with Polaroid camera or computer print will not be accepted. An additional self attested photograph will also be submitted along with application form.
4. Enclose two self addressed stamped Registered envelopes of correct denomination issued by the Department of Post & Telegraph giving your present address with PIN Code on which acknowledgment/call up notice/rejection slip is to be sent.
5. A candidate whose application has been rejected earlier may apply again if eligible/age permits.
6. All incomplete applications will be rejected.
7. The candidates declared successful in the written examination and short listed for interview will be communicated about the interview dates by post through self addressed envelopes and the list will also be displayed at respective HQ Recruiting Zone.
8. Individuals with permanent tattos on any part of the body less forearm are
not eligible for recruitment.
Postal Address of Headquarters Recruiting Zones :
1. For Haryana and HP :
HQ Rtg Zone
Chandershekhar Marg
Ambala Cantt – 133001
2. For Karnataka, Kerala and Lakshwadeep :
HQ Rtg Zone
148, Fd Marshal
KM Kariappa Road
Bangalore – 560025
3. For Tamil Nadu,AndhraPradesh Pondicheri & AN Islands :
Fort Saint George
4. For Bihar & Jharkhand :
HQ Rtg Zone
Danapur Cantt-801503
5. For Delhi, Gurgaon,Faridabad & Mewat Dist of Haryana :
Delhi Cantt-110010
6. For Madhya Pradesh & Chattisgarh :
HQ Rtg Zone
T-23, Ridge Road
7. For Rajasthan :
HQ Rtg Zone
Shastri Nagar
Post Box No 35
Jaipur (Raj)-302016
8. For Punjab and J &K :
HQ Rtg Zone
Jalandhar Cantt-144005
9. For W Bengal, Sikkim Orissa :
HQ Rtg Zone
1, Gorkhle Road, Kolkata
– 700 020
10. For Lucknow :
HQ Rtg Zone
236, M G Road
Lucknow Cantt-226002
11. For Pune :
HQ Rtg Zone
3, Rajender Singhji Road
12. For NE States :
HQ Rtg Zone

Last Date : 05.10.2012

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