High Court Of Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad: 35 Civil Judge post / jobs / Notification 2012

High Court Of Andhra Pradesh Hyderabad: 35 Civil Judge post / jobs / Notification 2012

Applications are invited for General Recruitment to 35 posts of Civil Judge in the A.P. State Judicial Service; comprising of 28 vacancies through Direct Recruitment, and 7 vacancies under Recruitment by Transfer.
Civil Judge: 35postsQualification: Only those candidates who possess the qualifications prescribed under A.P. State Judicial Service Rules, 2007 and the qualifications as indicated below, as on the last date, stipulated for submission of applications, shall be eligible to apply

Scheme of examination and syllabus: The process of selection shall comprise of: a) Screening Test, which is objective in form; (if t-le number of applications exceeds 10 times the number of notified vacancies); b) written examination shall carry 80 marks. C) Viva Voce, which shall carry 20 marks

Fee: A crossed Demand Draft for Rs. 300/- (Rupees three hundred only) [ Rs. 100/- (Rupees one hundred only) from the candidates belonging to SC/ST] towards examination fee, drawn on any Nationalized :Bank in favour of the Registrar (Recruitment), High Court of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, payable at Hyderabad and Applicants belonging to SCs/STs; hailing from other States, have to pay Rs. MY- instead of Rs. 100/- towards examination fee, unless the caste to which they belong, is recognized as Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe, as the case may be; by the Government of Andhra Pradesh

How to apply: Applications along with necessary enclosures and, can be submitted in the offices of the Principal District Judges of the concerned Districts, where the applicants reside; and the applicants residing in Hyderabad and Secunderabad, can submit the applications in the office of the Chief Judge, City Civil Court, Hyderabad; during the office hours, on any working day. Applications of the candidates belonging to other States can be submitted in the office of the nearest Principal District Court in the State of A.P., or the Registrar (Recruitment), High Court of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad

Last date: 01.03.2012

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